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Caring For Your Candles

  • A black pair of wick trimmers from Custom Candles L.A. on a beige background with the text "Trim the wick" on the bottom right corner.

    Trim the Wick of Your Candle

    Trim the wick of your candle to about 1/4 inch before lighting the candle each time. This is important for several reasons:

    Longer Burn Time: A properly trimmed wick ensures a more even and controlled burn, which can help the candle last longer.

    Reduced Soot and Smoke: A wick that is too long can produce excess soot and smoke, which can dirty the container and affect the air quality in the room.

    Preventing Mushrooming: When a wick is too long, it can form a carbon buildup at the top, known as "mushrooming." This can cause the candle to burn unevenly and produce more soot.

    Safety: A shorter wick reduces the size of the flame, lowering the risk of the candle becoming too hot or the flame becoming too large, which can be a fire hazard.

    Better Scent Throw: Trimming the wick helps maintain the optimal flame size, which can enhance the candle's scent throw, making the fragrance more consistent and pleasant.

  • A black candle snuffer, black tray, and a black wick trimmer on a plain beige background with the text "Burn only 4 hours at a time" in red on the bottom right corner of the image.

    Burn Safety

    Burn your candle for only up to 4 hours at a time. This is recommended for several reasons:

    Preserving Scent Quality: For scented candles, burning for more than 4 hours at a time can cause the fragrance oils to degrade, diminishing the quality and consistency of the scent. You will also become accustomed to the scent and may no longer smell it.

    Preventing Overheating: Overheating can damage the surface beneath the candle.

    Maintaining Wick Health: Burning a candle for too long can cause the wick to become excessively long, leading to mushrooming (carbon buildup on the wick), increased soot production, and a larger, less controlled flame.

    Ensuring Even Burning: Burning a candle for shorter periods helps the wax melt evenly across the entire surface. This prevents "tunneling," where the candle burns down the center, leaving wax around the edges and reducing the overall burn time and efficiency of the candle.

    Safety: Regularly extinguishing the candle and trimming the wick ensures that it burns safely and reduces the risk of fire hazards. It also provides an opportunity to check for any potential issues like excessive heat or wick drift (where the wick moves from the center).

    To maximize the lifespan and performance of your candle, follow the 4-hour burn rule and always allow the candle to cool and reset before relighting.

  • A black candle snuffer from Custom Candles L.A. on a plain beige background with the text "SNUFF THE FLAME" in red on the bottom righthand corner of the image.

    Snuff The Flame, Don't Blow It Out

    Use a candle snuffer to ensure a safer, cleaner, and more effective way to extinguish your candles. Using a candle snuffer instead of blowing out a candle is recommended for several reasons:

    Minimizing Smoke and Soot: Blowing out a candle can create a significant amount of smoke and soot, which can be unpleasant and can dirty the surrounding area. A candle snuffer extinguishes the flame more gently, producing less smoke and soot.

    Preventing Wax Splash: Blowing on a candle can cause hot, liquid wax to splash out of the container, potentially causing burns or making a mess. A snuffer avoids this by extinguishing the flame without disturbing the wax.

    Reducing Fire Hazard: Blowing out a candle can sometimes cause the wick to glow and smolder, which can reignite if the conditions are right. A snuffer ensures that the flame is fully extinguished, reducing the risk of accidental fires.

    Preserving Wick Integrity: Using a snuffer is gentler on the wick, helping to maintain its structure and longevity. Blowing on the wick can weaken it, making it more prone to breaking or burning unevenly.

    Better Candle Maintenance: Regularly using a snuffer can help maintain the candle's appearance and performance, contributing to a more enjoyable and longer-lasting candle experience.


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